Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Decor Elements.........

When my son graduated from college and went out on his own he emptied his bedroom - literally - it looked like the Grinch had been there. Shelves that held sports trophies were empty, the cable wire lay on the floor and dust bunnies frolicked everywhere. I sighed, closed the door and let the bunnies play for a long time. Finally I said enough! A new bed, a coat of paint, some toile curtains and the room was back! But what about those shelves??

Well here they are - with a touch of Stampin' Up Decor Elements - Shelf Life. Very easy to apply! The corner of the room has become a cozy nook to read, write and watch TV. Ah yes, that cable wire is hooked up to a new flat screen :) Hey it's a loooong winter here in the Great Northeast - I am just getting ready! My daughter is off on her own as well but what happened to her room is a story for another day!


  1. I love it! I am planning to do a little decor elements in my craft room soon!

    Excellent job!

  2. Nice way to showcase the Decor Elements Linda!

  3. Hi Linda: Love it . . . I keep toying with that Decor set. You did such a wonderful job giving the room a new look. Hugs, Mary

  4. Linda, your room is gorgeous!!! I love it so much. Hugs,


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