Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sweet Baby Mojo 107.......

I am headed to a baby shower this weekend and I had a recent OCC one color challenge in mind when I started this card. I followed the Mojo Monday sketch but used only So Saffron ink, card stock, ribbon and designer paper. I get great inspiration from my virtual pal Melissa Young who designs for the OCC team - check her out - she is Fabulous! But then I remembered another inspirational pal Ann Schach - check her out - she is Fanshcachstic! When Ann did the OCC challenge she just had to sneak in a wee bit of a second color. So I thought maybe I can sneak in a wee bit of a third color. The parents-to-be have decided not to find out if it is a boy or a girl ahead of time. That's why you see a sliver of Bashful Blue and Blush Blossom!


  1. Linda, This is a wonderful baby card! I love your take on the Mojo challenge, too. This is a perfect card for a baby shower when you don't know the sex of the baby! It's going in my Idea File. Love that hint of blue and pink--that really made it for me!

  2. Perfect card for Eggbert.

  3. Linda, this is breathtaking! I love the color. And, sorry it's chilly where you are! I WISH I could ever wear a turtleneck! Drink some cocoa for me! I guess we always want what we don't have...

  4. This is jaw-dropping beautiful. I love the rounded corners and So Saffron patterns. Hugs, M

  5. Beautiful card, Linda! Just a super take on the layout. How creative to add the sliver of pink and the sliver of blue! And thanks for the shout out, too!

  6. Gorgeous!!! I love that DSP. Love a little bit of the pink and blue. Hugs,

  7. We told you it was fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. How in the world did I miss this?

    Buisiness: Thanks for playing with the OCC!

    Pleasure: This is an adorable card! I find inspiration in you as well! Your sense of humor and your projects are both awesome! I love that you snuck in some color! Woohoo!

    Thanks for the shout out!


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