Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Little Birdie Told Me......PPA55.....

When I went to play at PPA this week, a little birdie told me there's something wonderful happening at Pals Paper Arts!  There's excitement in the air and talk of a new look.  I was trying to follow the sketch challenge from OCC using PPA's challenge colors but I found it almost impossible to concentrate.  Those darn birds wouldn't stop twittering the news!  So we might as well join in...........tell your friends.........check out Pals Paper Arts next'll like what you see! 



  1. You and I had the same idea! I used Aviary for my PPA entry too! It's sitting on my desk right now waiting for it's photo shoot. The birds are chatting about their best angle.... Love how you turned up the stand for a different look. These colors are fab together and so chirpy and cheery! Great card! :-)

  2. Well, I can't believe you didn't tell us the secret......I've been reading so much about these changes coming....just a hint maybe??

    Seriously though, your card is wonderful as always!

  3. The black really pops on this card, Linda! How ingenious to flip the cage! Great job incorporating the challenge colors! I am excited for the changes @ PPA! I can't wait 'til Thursday!

  4. A little birdie told you . . . perfect connection to this adorable card. Hugs, M

  5. Tweet, tweet ... your card is gorgeous. I love this set and especially like how you used the stand. I'm excited to read about the changes to PPA. Have a great day!

  6. So fun and cute... I love it. See you Thurs for sure!!! *smile* Hugs,

  7. Linda, what a great card. I see this type of set in the catalog and think UGH and then I see a card like this and I want to run out and buy the set! Great job!


  8. Twitter-ific!!! Love the little birdies :) Can't wait for all the excitment to be revealed :)

  9. This is so so cute.. You girls + Mike must have so much fun counting down the days. So glad I found your blog.. Thanks again for the inspiration.. and for sharing your blog.

    Take good care, Pauline

  10. Oh, Linda, your card is absolutely adorable. I love those "talking" birds together! So glad you play at PPA! :)

  11. Lovely card! Loving the colours you used!
    Thanks for joining in with us over at the OCCSC
    Shaz x


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