Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sending Thoughts and Prayers.......

PPA's challenge this week is to use brads on a clean and simple card.  As I worked at my desk I kept watching the reports coming out of the midwest on the aftermath of the tornadoes.  My heart goes out to the midwesterners - and the southerners - who have recently lost so much.  Our town is loading a tractor trailer with building and cleaning supplies to send to one of the affected areas.  It doesn't seem like much compared to the scope of the disaster but it is a small step to recovery.  My card design is just a simple way to let folks know we care and are thinking about them.    (I do hope my husband doesn't think about me when he notices part of Missouri's road map has been snipped out of his Harley touring book :)


  1. I love your card! Our country has certainly had it's share of devastation. I got tickled about your hubby...if you go MIA we'll know why.

  2. LOL about the map, but it's a great addition to your card.

    Hugs, M

  3. What a nice gesture. I love the map addition and I do hope your husband isn't upset about the clipping!!

  4. What a touching thing to do, Linda. I know, my heart aches for those who've been involved with the awful, awful tornadoes recently. It just leaves me speechless.

  5. Linda Callahan, I love your work!!! What a thoughtful tribute to those who are dealing with the devastation and despair. And, a great reminder to all of us that we have an opportunity to contribute in some way to help those in need. How clever you are also to pair the map with the scooter image! I love it!

  6. Too funny about the map! Your card is beautiful as always! I understand how you feel, my heart goes out for those during this time too. Hugs, J

  7. Wonderful concept card, Linda! You are always so creative!

  8. What a beautiful card for all those suffering in these horrible storms. I love the humorous touch too. Hugs,

  9. What a great thing to do to help those in need---our church is sending some stuff too. I went down to help after Katrina, and although this is a smaller area in size, I think the damage is worse, truthfully. And the flood victims----the impact of that we haven't seen all the way! We all need to pull together, that's for sure!
    Anyway, your card is so cool---and I just told my DH that if he saw any old maps at yard sales to pick one up....because he WOULD miss the page!!!

  10. What a neat idea to highlight the flowers! Beautifully done!

  11. Darling card, Linda! Great idea to add a piece of a map to the card. ... such a creative genius! I just ran into one of my friends that was affected by the tornado's in North Alabama. She lost both of her cars and part of her house and was so thankful that she, her husband and four dogs survived unscathed.

  12. Very cute card Linda, loved the part about the map from your husband's tour book, yikes!

  13. What a fabulous card Linda! Love the colors, love the scooter, love the brad but ADORE the use of the map!


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