Thursday, July 28, 2011

CAS Element of Style - Paper Piercing........PPA104....

After returning from Salt Lake City,  I googled SU convention pictures.  While I was browsing I was attacked by 4 horrible viruses.  Norton kindly told me I was being invaded but there was nothing to be done about it.  Those viruses were as elusive as my paper piercing in this picture.  Both of the butterflies have little dotted trails, the new ribbon already comes with a delightful pierced edging and the center of the flower from Button Buddies was pierced from the back side resulting in a lovely textured center. I just couldn't capture the piercing in my photograph nor could I capture those viruses.  The computer has been fixed but there seems to be no hope for the photograph - it's just been a hole-y terror :)


  1. Oh Linda, I so relate!!!! McAfee had control of my computer for 3 days... mine couldn't be fixed. I had gotten 2 malware virus', one was removed and the other couldn't be. I'm so glad yours could be removed!

    Your card is gorgeous and you know I love to read your posts!!! Hugs,

  2. LOL You are so silly. I LOVE your paper piercing! Very clever to do butterfly trails with it. I might have to steal that idea, but I'm sure my butterfly will look like it's flapping around with one wing. I can never get my holes lined up very well! :)

  3. The flower center.....CLEVER! And your butterfly trail is perfect, as is the color combo. A job WELL DONE!

  4. You always make me laugh, Linda Callahan (but please know I'm not laughing at your computer woes)! So glad your computer is OK now! Your card looks wonderful, too (as always)! I love the color combo and I'll have to order that stamp set now, too! I LOVE it! Thanks for sharing, friend!

  5. Love the color palette on this, Linda! And that Rich Razzleberry flower is the cherry on the sunday!

  6. Linda this card is beautiful. I LOVE your flower center... how cool is that! You are so clever to use the pierced ribbon too! and the little butterfly trail is adorable.
    I feel soooooooo bad for you with the PC virues what's up with that lately.. seems everyone (including me) has had virus problems lately? So frustrating ... glad it's all fixed . Hugs.

  7. Now this is a fun and happy card ... adore it! Hopefully it helped you get past all those awful computer viruses.

  8. So sorry about the viruses!! But this card is beautiful.

    Love the CAS look.
    Hugs, M

  9. Oh Linda, I'm sorry for your troubles - that sucks! But this card is FANTASTIC and I totally can see the paper piercing...wonderful.

  10. Oh no! Computer woes are awful....but your card is so cute! Hope it's all okay now. Love that little butterfly trail!

  11. Linda are a hoot! I love the card! Too cute!

  12. Linda, sorry for your computer woes, we all know that nasty feeling of "no control".
    Your card is gorgeous and I love the paper piercing trail where the butterflies have been. I've often looked at the reverse side of something pierced and liked it...just never thought to use it so creatively, brilliant idea!

  13. Linda, this is so lovely and the colors are wonderful. Thanks for pointing out the piercing, the flower center is perfect.

  14. You need to be a writer for a make me so giggle! Perfect paper piercing with the cute butterfly and glad to hear your computer is on the mend, I would be lost without mine. Glad to hear you had fun at convention!

  15. Just love your card! The colors are beautiful together & the piercing really adds that special touch.


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