Thursday, August 16, 2012

Still Learning! PPA141

It's Back to School time around here!   My school days are over but I am still learning!  My daughter just finished taking baby classes and now we await that little one!  In the meantime she is sharing her new found knowledge with me so I am prepared for babysitting.  Cribs are different nowadays - the sides no longer go up and down.  (Crib in the attic taken to the dump.)  No more playpens - there are pack 'n plays to use.  (Another trip to the dump.) Bumpers are dangerous in a crib.  (Off to Buy Buy Baby to return the bumpers.)  No baby powder on the bottom during diaper changes.  (So my husband and I will be smelling like newborns for the next few months using up that stash of baby powder!)  But I am drawing the line in the sand on those straight jacket swaddlers - there will be none of those at Grandma's house!  (I'll let you know later how that goes.)

                                       Join the fun at PPA with Margaret's sketch this week!


  1. Oh my gosh, Linda!! Is this ever CUTE! I love the fun detail in your pencils, especially that sparkly trim. You always have the most creative ideas. Hmmm, maybe it's all that baby powder you are stuck using. ;) Good luck with all that baby knowledge your daughter is sharing. I can only imagine how excited you are to hold that little bundle for the first time! Hugs!

  2. Awwww, awesome card! You still have the teacher in you! Love it!

    Crazy how the times have changed with all the baby stuff! How did we ever survive our infancy?! )

  3. Just hopped over from palspaperarts...had to leave you a comment :) Before I even saw your name, I saw those pencils and knew it was your card - LOVE them! I got a good laugh out of your "then & now" baby mom saved our toys and showed us all over again but wouldn't let the babies play with them for safety reasons, haha! Then you look at my car seat from 30 years ago and it's a wonder we're all here today :) Have fun being Grandma!

  4. Just adorable....this is the cleverest card I've seen in a while! LOVE it! BTW, some of that new baby stuff is baloney. I used baby powder on Cassidy right from the get-go. I close the lid each time and don't let her near it (so she doesn't inhale it) but every baby should have that wonderful baby powder smell!!! You'll figure it all out....just like riding a bike!

  5. I love those pencils, Linda! And how appropriate for the time of year. Teachers returned to their classrooms today here and school begins next week! You're always so clever!

  6. Such adorable pencils! A perfect card for back to school. Very cute!

  7. absolute back to school perfection. those pencils are marvelous. enjoy your trips to the dump!

  8. Mrs. C! I love those pencils! Very clever.

  9. Hee hee! Yes, things have changed dramatically in the world of babies -- lightning speed, in fact. My girls (ages 14 and 10) each had a crib with a side that went up and down. Didn't know those had gone by the wayside now. Good luck with that little one, Linda!

  10. wow, i am stunned, i never really get into the back to school theme (not having kids is prob why) but this is beyond adorable!!! i'm saving this one away in case i need a great card with the school theme

  11. Linda this is ADORABLE!!! I LOVE this card.
    I'm making sets for my grandkids to give to their teachers and I would LOVE to CASE this one...ok? please, please... pretty please?

    PS: I so understand about the 'new' baby stuff. OMG how did we ever survive?


  12. Linda, this is so darling!! Perfect for back to school with those cute pencils. Love all the details on this card and colors. I'm sure you'll be a terrific Grandma!!

  13. OMG, this is too stinkin' clever and cute Linda! Love all of it the colors and your take on the's brilliant! You may scoff at the swaddle but oh man, does it work! ((hugs))

  14. Oh so cute! I love how you used pencils, so back to school! Kudos to you for learning the updated baby care needs, things have changed a lot even between both my children. You will rethink the swaddling, because it is amazing. My little fella Tate was (and wanted to be) swaddled until he was six months old. He slept sooo good swaddled!

  15. What an amazing interpretation of the sketch! How clever is this? You rocked this one Linda!

  16. This is absolutely adorable, Linda! An A+ from me for sure! You are so clever and must be all that practice with bulletin boards when you were teaching! I can't wait to hear baby stories!

  17. This is amazing, so love how you used the sketch!! So much new stuff to learn with babies these days!!!

  18. Another amazing dragoon, Linda Callahan! Love, love, love those cute pencils! Perfect card for back-to-school! I know you're anxiously awaiting the little one's arrival! You'll be the best grandmother!

  19. You are so clever making your very own pencils! If I was as smart as you I wouldn't have had to pass up on all those school-themed challenges that have been popping up lately!

    Sorry to hear about all the dump trips! It's no wonder we ladies from a different generation survived our childhoods what with the unsafe cribs and dangerous bumpers. I'm still trying to figure out why baby power is no good!

  20. OMGosh!! So cute!! Very creative Linda! I love it!

  21. Such a cute card Linda, you make me wish I still drove school bus. Wait! No, not really, but it's really cute.

  22. So cute!

    I think I'll case this for a young teacher friend of mine.


  23. First of all I love your card. It is so colorful and you were very creative with this challenge. Love it.

    Congratualtions on becoming a grandparent very soon. It is amazing how things have changed so much since we had children.It makes me wonder how my children were able to get through without being hurt in thier crib, playpen and so many other things. But they did. :) I can hardly wait to see the photos of your grandchild when he/she is born.


  24. Totally cute Linda. I love those little pencils. this card is truly stunning.

  25. This is adorable, Linda!

    Straight jacket swaddlers are a life-saver! Laila can't stop hitting herself in the head so that she can sleep, so those help with that SO much! I'm getting ready to buy the next size of them because she's getting too long for the ones we have. She was able to get out of a blanket swaddle, but usually stays wrapped up good in those. :)

  26. OMGosh, that is the cutest school related card I have ever seen. Loving the pencils!

  27. Absolutely ADORABLE card, Linda! Love your take on the sketch!


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