Thursday, June 20, 2013

No Restaurants Right Now - PPA161

This card is headed west to my upline Mary Fish to thank her for a sweet package of new buttons from Stampin' Up!  I was one of the winners in her annual "new catalog trivia game."  Stampin' Pretty Pals coast to coast gather round their computers once a year to type in answers to Mary's trivia questions as fast as possible.  That night my desk was littered with paper, the catalog, post-it notes, a notebook  and piles of folders and cardstock that I had been sorting before our meeting.  During the game my daughter sent me a text but there is no time to answer when cut-throat trivia is involved.  I thought I replied "no time now" before I dropped the phone back into the jumble on my desk.  The phone got buried as the game progressed.  The paper shuffling and catalog thumbing continued as I frantically searched for answers.  I heard another message chime at some point but I ignored it.  Later that night when I finally cleared my desk I discovered my phone and the last message from Erin said:

What the h*@% are you talking about?

I scrolled upward and there was the message that I sent her - or should I say sent itself from deep within the junk pile on my desk:

No restaurants right now so you guys people with yes you got the right one.

I have no explanation for this...........cue the Twilight Zone music...........

Margaret's sketch at Pals Paper Arts needs no explanation - it's great!


  1. Oh my goodness......this is why I am glad I have a "dumb" smart phone for me!! Spooky for sure!! Well, your card is FABULOUS! It popped right out at me in the gallery, I just love it to pieces! Fun stuff! Congrats on your win from Mary too!

  2. Laughing so hard I can hardly type! Love the very clever placement of the bicycle on this card!

  3. Fabulous card Linda, love the angle design and the bike is perfectly placed and looks great! Of course love your tale of "tell-a-phone", so funny I'd love to have seen you in action, congrat's on your win from Mary Fish!

  4. Sweet card, Linda,! You know I love this set so I'm sure to CASE this one!

  5. Oh my gosh, Linda! That is too funny! Your daughter must have thought you had a stroke. Well, fortunately, your dementia has not affected your ability to churn about exceptional card designs! This one is a keeper!

  6. Hahaha! I have tears in my eyes...I love this!! I can just bet you and your daughter laughed your heads off about that one! Thanks for the giggle...needed it!!! Love your card as always!

  7. I don't know which I like better, your story or your card! I manage to pocket dial but I have not desk dialed yet! Linda, your card is sweet as can be. Love it!

  8. You make me laugh, Linda Callahan! Love your card and your phone story!

  9. you're sure she said h*@%? i'm still laughing and can't wait to be the recipient of this marvelous card!

  10. Best blog post I've read in a long time--TOO funny!! As usual, your card is utterly awesome!

  11. It's a stunning card, I am sure Mary will love it! Love the text, my son Tate texts those type of messages all the time, and they are a hoot!

  12. HI-larious post--fantastic card! Thanks for making me LOL, Linda!!

  13. So funny - you made my day! Love your card - so bright and clean!

  14. Terrific card! I love the placement of you bike wheel! Glad you weren't my mom at the time, as a speech pathologist I would be thinking you were having a stroke!

  15. Too funny! I absolutely adore your card for Mary. Awesome! Thank you for sharing!

  16. Linda such a cute card... and how funny is that story! Your daughter must have thought you were loopy!.
    Very funny. hugs.

  17. Well that's just the story I needed to hear this morning! Hilarious! It's like a drunk post from deep within the bowels of your desk! And the card's not bad either! LOL!

  18. Linda, you crack me UP! That is just too funny! Glad you won the goodies though. Your card is darling. I love this vintage.

  19. Hahaha! That is too funny! Sounds like a very fun game with your upline! LOVE your card! I definitely need that stamp and paper! :)

  20. that is such a funny story about the phantom text messages-and I love your card-great dsp-I used the same collection on my card

  21. LOVE this, Linda! I wasn't drawn to this stamp set until now! Love how you made a vintage image look fresh and modern. Great touch with the brad and the placement of the bike is perfect! Always a joy to read your posts. ((hugs))

  22. Cute card and cute story, Linda! I love them both!


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