Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Fall Treats - FMS102

Morning fog - sweatshirts - crisp air - apples - pumpkins - back to school - brightly colored mums - walking in the leaves - that first nip of frost - cider and doughnuts - craft fairs - geese honking farewell overhead - football -  Emma's Birthday -  and Halloween!  

It doesn't get any better than fall in upstate New York!  

                   Lovin' that bow on Cindy's sketch this week at Freshly Made Sketches!


  1. This is so fun, Linda! I love the house popped up in front of the spooky tree. I'd love to come join in all those lovely Fall things. It just gets not as hot down here. lol

  2. Absolutely adorable card Linda. Loved how you popped up the haunted house & strategically placed a "haunting" moon.

  3. I love fall too. You described it perfectly. Great card and the ribbon is just right.

  4. Linda Fall is a wonderful time here too. We have so many beautiful trees with lots of leaves in many colors...gorgeousness for sure.
    Love your card and especially
    LOVE how you popped the house up in 'front' of the tree. so clever.
    my daughter and 2 grandchildren have fall birthdays too!

  5. Not quite yet...but it's coming soon...about the time you arrive, so will Fall! I love that pop of green on the orange and that big chevron bow is gorgeous!

  6. That big chevron bow is just perfect! I love your little scene!

  7. I love fall too. I just hate the winter part that comes after!

    The haunted house and scary tree are pretty cool. Not to mention that big bow! Love these colors!

  8. Oh how I love fall! It's my favourite time of the year and I wish it lasted longer! Love this card Linda! Love those rounded corners! That house is fabulous!!!! Super fun!

  9. Very fun, Linda! I love the moon and the perfectly placed candy dots. I wish I could trade homes with you for a week so I could enjoy fall in upstate NY. Ours' just doesn't compare at all.

  10. OMGosh this is so cute! Love how you popped up your haunted house and the cute card design!

  11. I love this Linda! I especially love that image and how you popped up the spooky house. I'm jealous! Fall won't kick in here in San Francisco until at least October.

  12. Fabulous card, Linda! I love the fussy-cutting and layering! It really brings it to life. Your fall weather sounds glorious. You've mentioned everything that I miss about the fall season!

  13. Awesome card! Upstate New York sounds wonderful in the fall!

  14. Love the card. I know
    many have said it....but I love the house cut out and popped up! It's a winner!


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