Thursday, March 31, 2016

Bringing Birthdays Back! PPA294

Between the balloons and the confetti there is a whole lot of celebration going on here!  Shannon West from Stampin' Up! started a grass roots movement to bring birthdays back by sending more birthday cards......instead of just virtual birthday wishes. She actually sat down and carved out this design herself - amazing! Stampin' Up! is now mass producing her sentiment and cardmakers everywhere have embraced her challenge!  I am working harder to get those birthday cards off my desk and into the mail!  And maybe I am making a difference because just today an official USPS notice appeared in our mailbox that said our local post office needs more mail carriers..........

My very crafty friend Dawn Tidd designed a great sketch for us this week at Pals Paper Arts!


  1. That's an awesome card Linda! Love the way that you stamped the sentiment and balloons together. So cool that you are the one bringing new jobs to your local Post Office with your big stack of birthday cards. ;)

  2. Fabulous way to send the message to bring birthdays back . . . love the "trailing" crystal buttons!

  3. You are just so clever with the spotlighting of that stamp! (it's stamped on the back of my card) I love the balloon bouquet …that would be fun to get in real life! :)

  4. You've just inspired me to get that stamp and you used my FAVORITE colored buttons...CLEAR! When I'm asked what my favorite color is I say clear. They don't get it, but stampers do. LOL

  5. I need that stamp! And i love your clear bubbles!

  6. This is such a fun card! Love it!

  7. I swear I laugh at every one of your posts! Way to create jobs in your area, friend! ;)

  8. Love how you used that stamp! Always a joy to check your blog.

  9. So fun and festive! A positively wonderful way to use this stamp! And congrats for creating jobs!!!


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