Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Peace.....and Snow.....FMS314

Peace on earth is in all our thoughts I'm sure - especially this time of year.  But I confess snow is in my thoughts too. I love a snowy holiday season! We had our first snowfall this past week.  It wasn't much but it's a start!  My son managed three ski days at Whiteface so far because they make snow when the temperature drops. I am sure if the Big Guy could figure out a way to hook up a snow gun in our back yard he would do it!  Meanwhile Cooper and Benny experienced their first romp in the snow.

Cooper loved it........

Benny not so much.....lolol......

Narelle's wonderful sketch was a perfect opportunity to use SU's new snowflake embossing folder!  The star is from the latest Hero Arts monthly kit (Nov 2017).  Hope you join us at Freshly Made Sketches!


  1. I love the simplicity of this card. What dsp did you use? Thanks for sharing

  2. This is "snow" cute, Linda...the card and the dogs! Love the b/w with the touch of red!

  3. Gorgeous! Everything about the layers on this card is perfect. Perfect! Even puppies have their own personalities. So sweet!

  4. wait. new. embossing folder? OH my goodness that is spectacular, Linda!!!
    the snow? not so much! ha, I'm gonna pay for that probably!

  5. Absolutely love your design! The star over the embossing is perfect. And I'm with Benny...not so much on the snow. :)

  6. This is such a beautiful card Linda! I love that big embossed snowflake and that gorgeous star! The red ribbon is the perfect punch of colour! I wish I was as excited about the snow are you are!!!

  7. Beautifully done - love the snowflake in the bg.

  8. Oooh that snowflake embossing in the background looks wonderful and works so well with that star from the kit (that I haven't yet opened!)

  9. As you know snowflakes, when they appear on cards, are awesome! Love this with its dark and light colors scheme. And I love that bit of red ribbon too!

  10. Ok, I first must admit that Benny actually made me laugh out loud. Oh my!!! Poor fellow. Now this card is a beauty. Love that star!

  11. Snow! We are melting with all the heat on this side of the world! You've chosen the perfect image and embossed background for the sketch! I LOVE this awesome festive card Linda!

  12. I love everything about this!! Definitely saved to my inspiration files!


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