Thursday, January 20, 2022

Fusion: Coffee Chalkboard


I'm the tea drinker in the coffee shops but I love funky coffee shops.....fabulous smells, pastries and coffee cakes!  This was a fun card to make with one of my favorite SU sets.  I have a few pieces of the heavy chalkboard paper left from a while back which was perfect for embossing the sentiments.

My posts are short these days because I am battling a case of Bell's Palsy - fortunately mild ......but tiring.  My doctor ranked me a two out of ten which was wonderful but it will still take time to resolve.  Last weekend I noticed my taste was off and I couldn't hear well and just felt weird so you know what I thought!  My son-in-law showed up with a Covid test which was negative and then said, "Why are you winking at me?"

I wasn't winking!!!  My right eye wouldn't close correctly!  So off to the doctor the next morning who gleefully told me I wasn't having a stroke - "just" Bell's.  Prednisone, anti viral meds and rest was prescribed for these first two weeks......and lots of eye drops.  And I have to avoid people since steroids lower resistance - sigh....what else is new!

Then off to the eye doctor who said "Patience Grasshopper" is your new mantra......nerves take time to simmer down and recover.  But as long as I use drops I can read and watch TV and craft so I am good.  Besides it is fifteen degrees out - fireplace season anyway~!

I played with the sketch and the photo today at Fusion!  Always fun to play here! Hope you join us!

The Card Concept is having a Coffee/Cocoa Challenge this week! I went with the coffee theme!

Stamps Set: Nothing's Better Than, Welcoming Window
Paper: Retired SU Chalkboard Back, Whisper White, Unity DSP, Balmy Blue
Ink: Versamark, Memento Black, Cinnamon Cider


  1. Hope you feel better soon! Love your card :)

  2. I had Bell's about 35 years ago. Very scary thing. My face drooped and looked like I was having a stroke. I'd never heard of Bell's before the diagnosis. Apparently truckers often get it from having the window open and wind blowing on the face. It lasted about 6 weeks for me, and I've been very cautious about anything blowing on my face ever since. Best of luck!

  3. I hope you feel better soon!
    Love your card!

  4. Such a cute card! Love the little coffee cups. :) Hope that you're feeling much better soon! Glad that you're still able to stamp!

  5. I'm hoping you'll be top of your class in short recovery time, Linda. Your darling card shows me that you can get through anything with a smile. xx

  6. This is an awesome card, considering what you're going through! I LOVE how you combined the coffee cup and the little shelf...and the background paper is awesome! Rest up my friend, and drink lots of tea!

  7. So sorry to hear of your challenge with Bell's palsy, Linda, but happy to see your adorable take on the challenge. Love the chalkboard idea, and the sweet cup on a shelf. Adorable! Blessings!

  8. Oh my goodness, sounds like you've been through an ordeal, Linda. Hope you're back to yourself soon. Your card is fantastic, I love your chalkboard idea! Take care.

  9. Linda, I wanted to chime in to wish you a speedy recovery. I hate hearing about friends, even virtual ones, going through health issues! FYI, love your card. (I need to do more with this set.) Thinking good thoughts for you.

  10. Linda
    Feel Better soon. So sorry to hear you have Bell's Palsy--not fun. Love this card. I've yet to use this stamp set and you've inspired me to give it a try!


  11. You are the only person I know who can face a case of Bell's Palsy with humor and good nature. This too shall pass, and I hope it's over sooner rather than later for you. I was telling some of the girls at work yesterday that my friend might be taping her eye closed at night when she sleeps! (To a man, they were all horrified). :) But at least your creativity hasn't suffered. I love your chalkboard card and that super fun background!

  12. Your sentiment made me smile and then I read "the rest of the story" with your struggle with Bell's Palsy and was doubly impressed that you still found an element of humor in the day! Praying you will have a quick recovery though based on my niece's experience with it years ago, it does take time. So glad you can still get crafty. Oh...15 degrees is a bit of heat wave. It was 3 degrees here in VA this morning. Spring...where art thou???

  13. Awesome fusion card! Stay close to the fireplace, keep warm and get better soon!

  14. Love this fabulous card and the sentiment is my daily plan every day! LOL

  15. I LOVE this set! I love the way you've arranged it on the black with the cute little cup on the shelf! Thank you for playing along with us at The Card Concept!

  16. How lovely that you can still do things you enjoy while recovering - do hope you're better soon. Great card, love those background papers. Thanks for joining us at The Card Concept.

  17. Wow! I just love this "Coffee chalkboard"! This is so striking!

  18. Love the card but more importantly, I hope you are better soon.

  19. Love the way you combined the elements for your fun coffee card Linda - even though I too am a committed tea drinker, we can still appreciate the delights of a coffee shop, right?! So sorry to hear about your Bell's Palsy. One of Rebecca's friends at school has it (she's only 17 so was initially very frightened when it started). It can be a slow recovery, but I wish you well and hope that you can at least continue to distract yourself with craft!

  20. Your chalkboard card is fabulous and a perfect fusion. That chalkboard paper looks very interesting and I might have to see if there's any still around.


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