Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Play With Your Dog! FMS632


The sentiment on this card is oh so true! I am a total dog fan and I can't ever remember not having a dog - except for those sad times when I would lose one and then search for another to adopt.  So Shorty - Sheba - Chi Chi - Maggie - Snitty - Pudge - Abby Girl - Pepper - this post is in honor of all of you!

And this is the look I get these days when Pepper is ready to play......and I am not.....

Jen Mitchell served up another square sketch this week - I love them!  But feel free to adjust as you see fit and join us at Freshly Made Sketches!

Stamp Set: Play Ball (Colorado Craft Co)
Paper: Lighter Than Air DSP, Lemon Lolly
Ink: Memento Black, Copics


  1. Such a cute card! Love the fun sentiment too...and Pepper is just too cute! How could you not be ready to play at all times with that sweet face?!? :)

  2. Darling tribute to your darling dogs, Linda!

    Pepper must have noticed the black cardstock and thought 'wait a minute I am much cuter than that. and I have these eyes and see my cute tail - here I'll wave it for you!'

  3. Well, this is adorable! And so true! It would be hard to say, "No" to Pepper.

  4. What a happy card! And what a perfect sentiment!!!

  5. Super cute card, Linda but it can't hold a candle to that darling Pepper! Just look at that little face!

  6. Oh this is so super-cute and I couldn't agree more with that sentiment! Give me a dog over people any day ha ha! And Miss Pepper is so adorable!

  7. Sweet little Pepper!! I suspect she is ALWAYS up for some fun. What a happy card this is. Can't help but smile.

  8. Wow! This is total cuteness, Linda!


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