Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Halloween Pumpkins....FMS655


Well it has been a week around here -soccer games, doctor appointments, new furniture delivery, and general nonsense.....and somehow I lost a day and did not have my FMS card done in time! I keep leftover holiday pieces in separate envelopes so I dumped out the Halloween envelope and crossed my fingers this morning. And there was a lovely batch of batch of pumpkins! I started with them and added on some other pieces I found in the envelope! A bit of coloring and some DSP and I was done!

Now I am headed to the living room for some Netflix by the fireplace on this rainy afternnon - I need a day of rest! We have had an amazingly gorgeous and warm September and have been very busy with the grands. So an afternoon by the fire on a cool day sounds good to me!


Jen Brum has a delightful sketch for us this week! Hope you join us at Freshly Made Sketches!

Stamps: Sassy Pants (MFT), Festive Post (SU!), Frightfully Cute (SU!)

Ink: mMemento Black, Copics

Paper: Pumpkin Pie, Rock 'n Roll DSP


  1. That's way too cute! Love the background paper with those little pumpkins! :)

  2. Hey, pumpkin! I wondered where your card was this morning! Turns out you had a plethora of pumpkins and Halloween treats and tricks up your sleeve - so cute!

  3. This is such a cute card Linda! I love those pumpkins. I love all the other little pieces you added as well! I love that you have seasonal envelopes of goodies! I need to get me some of those!!! So fun!

  4. That's a cute little pumpkin patch you've got there!

  5. Love this fun and playful Halloween card!

  6. How fun is this pumpkin patch all ready for Halloween!

  7. Who would have thought this card literally 'fell' out of the envelope?! Your collection of pumpkins and Halloween elements is super cute! Hope your Netflix afternoon allowed for much needed R&R.

  8. What a super fun pumpkin lineup, Linda! All the tiny details are so cute.

  9. Well, I need to find me an envelope like that one! What a fun combination of elements with those pumpkins!

  10. This stripey background works so well with these cute pumpkins!

  11. I love your fun Halloween scene! And to think all of the elements just fell out of an envelope. Amazing!


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