Saturday, April 5, 2014


54 people stood together in a Federal courtroom recently and took the oath to become citizens of the United States.  The courtroom was crowded with families from many countries. Our family was there to support my son's girlfriend as she took part in this life changing event.  A soloist opened the program with America the Beautiful before the oath was administered. Then the judge delivered a heartfelt speech welcoming the new citizens and presented each one with their papers and a flag.  As everyone returned to their seats the soloist returned to sing God Bless America. About three lines into the song an amazing thing happened......the audience began to sing along.  By the end of the song my daughter and I were both crying as we listened to voices from all over the world join together to celebrate America.  

Meanwhile Miss Emma was doing a little celebrating of her own with Auntie Ria's flag!  This scrapbook page was made for one of my Creative Crew projects on Splitcoast.

We celebrated with a luncheon afterwards - that of course included gifts and a hand made card!


  1. Wow! Wonderful projects, Linda. I love the spotlighting of the flag on your Scrapbook page and the card is super cute! Ria is blessed to have you all to celebrate with her.

  2. Beautiful card and scrapbook page for a wonderful event, Congrats to Ria! Miss Emma is pure cuteness!

  3. You had me in tears singing God Bless America, Linda! Congrats, Ria;) Lovely card and scrapbook page celebrating America. Love the colors!

  4. How wonderful! Love the card you made!

  5. Wonderful patriotic card, and congratulations to your son's girlfriend!

  6. Linda what a great day! I'm sure she loved your card and it's so appropriate for the occasion! Of course....
    LOVE your scrapbook layout too. She must be very proud!
    PS:... I cry EVERY time I hear the National Athem. hugs.

  7. Your card caught my eye - but your story held my heart. Thanks for your lovely sharing, Linda!

  8. That was really beautiful and very moving, Lin! Congratulations to your son's girlfriend! Your card is marvelous!! Hugs, Darnell

  9. Of course, I forgot to mention your fabulous card!

  10. What an amazing experience you had! More American should experience that pride and joy.


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