Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Just Another Day in Paradise....FMS185

Someone I know is vacationing in Florida this week!  I took a cue from her dress and inked up the flowers from Hello Darling with bright colors! While Emma plays at Disney her grandfather and I are playing our own game of survival without a kitchen. It involves a lot of paper plates, plastic forks and take out food. There has been progress - we now have "everything but the kitchen sink". But as you may know living without a kitchen sink is not easy. Ten more days until our counter and sink are installed.....not that I'm counting or anything......

            Cindy Hall has a delightful sketch for us this week at Freshly Made Sketches!



  1. Super cute & trendy, Linda, I love it! I have brother, SIL, nieces, grandnieces and grandnephews at Disney this week too! All of them, including Emma, look like they are having a blast!

  2. What a beautiful card! Love the colors and love that picture of Emma cute with her dress and sun glasses on. Hope that she's enjoying Florida!

  3. Linda I absolutely LoVE this card. YOU are now officially my Queen of the twine twirl! Love that! These colors are just popping off the white space.

    Your little Emma is a doll. How many stories for gramma & grampa when she remembers all that fun! HUGS

  4. I cannot believe how big she is getting! Wish I was in Disneyworld! Love your pretty card!

  5. Linda, You captured the pretty and bright essence of her dress. Love your card!
    The kitchen re-do list is so true! Hang in there, just a little bit left and you'll love it!

  6. What a glam girl Emma is! I love that you took your inspiration from her dress!

  7. Sweet card! Love those flowers and the inspiration! It looks like Emma is having a blast!

  8. Loving all the white space on this gorgeous, bright and cheerful card! And Miss Emma is looking pretty gorgeous, too!

  9. Love this card Linda! Those flowers are so pretty! I love how you always get your thread to look so perfect! Love all that white!!! Just beautiful!

  10. Oh Linda - this is really lovely! I love your use of white space combined with those pretty flowers and elements!

  11. I LOVE those beautiful, bright colours Linda! A great design . . . and Emma, well, she's just too cute for words! Thank you so much for your inspiration over at FMS! Hazel xx

  12. What a beautiful card!!! Beautiful colors and flowers!!!
    Such a cute dress,little Miss Emma looks so cute!!

  13. This is such a pretty, happy card! And I am super impressed with your coloring of that stamp -- I've tried that and given up before.

  14. So pretty, Linda! You always do that twine/thread thing so well. I need you to come teach me!


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