Sunday, September 18, 2016

One of a Kind....PP313

Fall.....apples.....back to school!  They all go together for sure.  Miss Emma is having a great time in pre-K.  And she certainly is one of a kind!  She just had a birthday party and her mother told her that no matter how excited she was about getting a present she had to make sure to say thank you every time she received one.  When present opening time came her friend Ian sat next to her and handed her the gifts.  After each opening she would look at Ian with a big smile and say "Thank you  Ian!" ....... and of course he would say "You're welcome Emma!" and then give her another gift.  She would open it, smile and say "Thank you Ian!"......and on it went......

It was way too entertaining to correct her so we all just kept laughing and enjoyed the show!

Laurie has a CAS Taste of Fall challenge for us this week at the Paper Players!  I used the apple image from Happy Day by SSS.  Although technically my very favorite taste of fall would be apple pie!



  1. Sweet card! Love the masked apples in the background and your clean design. Too funny that little missy kept thanking her friend for all of the gifts! :)

  2. Adorable! Love the stack of apples and the placement of the sentiment. Sweet apple!

  3. This apple is delicious....the apple of your eye! As is little sweet she is, learning her manners! She'll figure it out!

  4. Super cute, Linda! I love the b/w apple stack to make that cute red apple really "pop"! Love your "Emma" stories, she's a doll!

  5. Fun card Linda! I love apples and especially apple pie,too!

  6. Super cute card and nice job on all that masking for the background. Apples certain say fall and I love that my favorite HoneyCrisp is back in the stores. I eat one every morning with my yogurt! Love the BD party story. Too cute!

  7. Great masking job, Linda, and a gorgeous card! What a sweet story too!

  8. Linda, such a fabulous card! I love that red background and your masking is AMAZING! Miss Emma is adorable! I wish she could play with my Victoria. Then, we could enjoy that PSL!

  9. What a cutie-pattoty Emma is, so proud holding her sign
    Oh, love the card too, the mountains are so regal looking!

  10. Love those masked apples with a single red one - perfect for school and Fall! I am a sucker for an apple card - and an apple pie (or crumble!) for that matter!

  11. This is adorable, Linda! I love the little peek of patterned paper and how you only colored one apple. Great job masking, too!

  12. Aww! Love that bright smiling apple and youre Miss Emma is adorable!

  13. What a fabulous layout and beautiful stamping, Linda! Love the white space set off by the patterned border. And that Miss Emma....she is a cutie-pie!

  14. I absolutely love that sweet apple ! White/black/red is one of my favorite color combinations


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