Wednesday, January 17, 2018


When Valentine's Day rolls around here in the northeast it is still midwinter so Smitten Mittens is a perfect set to use for a Valentine!  The mittens send a warm cozy wish for Valentine's Day!

And speaking of warm and cozy........

Oh that Benny and Coop look so angelic but they are a handful!

Kim's fun sketch has us seeing double this week!  Hope you join us at Freshly Made Sketches!

Stamps:  Smitten Mittens
Ink:  Real Red, Black
Paper: Whisper White, Basic Black, Tutti Frutti DSP


  1. Such a great card, Linda! These mittens are wonderful, and the "smitten" sentiment makes them even more fun for a snowy, cold Valentine's Day. <3

  2. What a cute card!! Love those little mittens, perfect colors and design! And you might need to send those mittens down south, we've got snow on the ground AGAIN!!

  3. Adorable mittens for Valentines! See, we knew we had to have this bundle. Lol I hope you don't need mittens where you are this week! We're getting snow today. ❄️

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Great card! So cute to use the mittens! (As I look out my window at the snow falling!)

  6. Oh Linda, mittens are great all year long in my eyes! how adorable are these?!!!

  7. Well, if this isn't the cutest card! Those mittens are adorable and I have to say those pups are pretty cute too!

  8. I'm smitten with your mittens! What a fun take on a Valentine!

  9. Love this card Linda! Those mittens are so sweet! Love the little arrow too! Hope you're having a super fun time at Disney!

  10. These are wonderful!! I love them with the black accents!

  11. This is such a cute Valentine Card! Those mittens are totally adorable!

  12. What a perfect set to use for an upstate NY Valentine! The arrow is the perfect finishing touch. Hope you had a wonderful time in Florida, where hopefully no mittens were needed.

  13. These are totally adorable for Valentine's Day!! Love the bold black with the berry color.


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