Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Memorial Day 2024.......FMS638


 Two parades, two picnics, and two cemetery visits to remember veterans in our family kept us busy this past Memorial Day weekend.  Uncle helped Emma build a rocket for a school project and Will spent a lot of time bouncing on his new trampoline. And I carried a book around for three days thinking I would get a chance to sit quietly by the lake and read but it never happened......maybe next weekend!

Narelle's sketch was perfect for my Thinking of You card using the new Spotlight on Nature set. Hope you join us at Freshly Made Sketches!

StampSet and Dies: Spotlight on Nature, Sentiment from Bold Bloom (Gina K)
Ink: Memento Black, Copics
Paper: Pretty in Pink, Unbounded Beauty DSP


  1. Such a pretty card! Love the colors and the layout is perfect for that stamp set! Sounds like a good weekend with the family! :)

  2. Linda, that sounds like a much better time than I had last weekend!
    Your card is lovely! You know me and tulips, right?

  3. You might not have had time to read your book, but it still sounds like good family time! Pretty card, Linda!

  4. This is such a pretty card! I just love those flowers and that background paper is beautiful! Sounds like a lovely Memorial Day you had!

  5. Linda, I feel I need to comment on this. You put flowers on a card. Are you feeling okay? :) :) Seriously, though this is delightful!


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