Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Way to Go Will! FMS 639


This card is for Will who graduates from Pre-School next week. Then it is off to Kindergarten in the fall.  Already it seems like the years are "Racing By!

This fun card came together quickly which was a good thing because I came down with pneumonia this week and so did Miss Emma!  Craziness! We both got antibiotics and I got some prednisone too for an extra boost!  We are still arguing over which one of us passed it along to the other..... :)

"Poor" Will only had his dogs for company this weekend on his boat ride at the lake since part of his crew was  on sick leave!

He doesn't look too unhappy about it!

I love Amy's collage of shapes this week at Freshly Made Sketches!  Hope you join us!

Stamp Set: Racing By
Paper: Ready To Ride DSP
Ink: Memento Black, Copics, Basic Gray, Poppy Parade, Shaded Spruce


  1. Such a cute card! Love the fun colors. Hope that he and the dogs enjoyed the boat ride anyway! :)

  2. Woo hooo! Congratulations, Will! and such a fabulous card for the finish line, Gramm!
    Take good care of yourself, Linda!

  3. Love the bold and bright color and patterns! Great card to celebrate his achievement.

  4. Sweet card! Sending wishes for a speedy recovery for you and Emma.

  5. Oh no!! Pneumonia is not fun for anyone! Hope you have a speedy recovery! Will's card looks amazing....bright, fun and bold! Great use of that sketch!

  6. This is such a great card for that special occasion...congrats to Will! Wishing you and Emma a speedy recovery. Grands and germs seem to go together...ask me how I know!!

  7. Pneumonia?!? No!!! I hope you're feeling better and your antibiotics do the trick. Your card is adorable and is perfect for an adorable soon-to-be kindergartener.

  8. Oh my friend...I hope you are both on the mend quickly! This card is such a winner and I love all your texture and dimension.

  9. Oh this is fabulous and perfect for a young man! Congrats to Will!

  10. Fabulous card, card Linda! Absolutely perfect to make a young boy happy and getting him ready for the long school journey.


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