Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Celebration! FMS646


Confetti, streamers and balloons - always festive for a birthday celebration! It has been a wild week around here with excessive heat and then horrible thunder storms and tornadoes - very unusual for our area.  The tornadoes - about 7 or 8 of them I believe - were small and short lived but they did plenty of damage. They swept down the Mohawk Valley and then up into the Adirondack Mountains. Literally hundreds of trees down! Our camp lost power for three days as crews worked to clear the roads and repair the power lines. Directly across the lake from us a pontoon boat and the dock it was tied to was lifted out of the lake, up over the road and then smashed into a parked car and the house near it.  Amazingly no one was hurt but the clean up continues.  So I am actually celebrating a return to normal summer weather here...............

Cecile has such a fun sketch for us this week at Freshly Made Sketches!  Hope you join us!

Stamps: Attention Shoppers, Beautiful Balloons

Ink: Memento Black, Concord & 9th: Buttercup, Briar Rose, Watermelon

Paper: Fresh Freesia

Stencil: Confetti by Honey Bee


  1. Such a cute card! Love the fun balloons and streamers! Oh wow, I hadn't heard that you'd had such crazy weather up there. Glad that no one was hurt, hope that "normal" summer weather returns!

  2. Those that argue climate and weather changes don't exist just have to take note of the unusual patterns in areas that don't normally see storms like this - our area was hit pretty hard a few weeks ago, too, Linda. Those big old trees just don't grow back in a year either!

    Now, I'd like to be invited to the party you made this card for, please and thank you! I LOVE pink and yellow!

  3. What a pretty way to celebrate! I love how you used the streamers and confetti with the sketch. I'm glad you stayed safe during those crazy storms. Not sure I've ever heard of that happening in your part of the country. Do y'all even have tornado sirens?

  4. What a fun the balloons, streamers and confetti! The storms and wind damage...not so much! We had some storms in our area, lots of trees and wires down too, but nothing like what you had! Glad you're all safe & sound!

  5. So glad you are safe! I love the confetti and balloons.

  6. I'm glad all is well with you, Linda those storms sound pretty horrific and frightening. Your card on the other hand is a pure delight! Love the colors and those festive streamers!

  7. I'm so sorry you have dealt with such awful weather! This card is so happy & festive - love the color palette and streamers, Linda.

  8. Wow, what a wild time you guys had! And you still came up with an adorable card. Hope you are doing well Linda and things are quieter now.

  9. Wow, that sounds like crazy and scary weather! I'm glad everyone is okay. What a fun and happy card you've made, though. And such a clever take on the sketch.

  10. Wow! This is a fabulous take on the sketch, Linda! So cute and so cheery! I love that you used some confetti and streamers for the elements of the sketch, this is so clever.

  11. What a fun and creative use of the sketch! LOVE the fresh look of those balloons and streamers. And what a scary summer you have had - I'm glad it's back to normal and hope it stays that way!


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