270 Comments! Wow! I have read every one and enjoyed all of your answers describing your stamping styles. Sara is quick and ribbony, Lorijane - randomly balanced. Lisa P is a "crell" - crisp and embellished. Julie C is "queasy" while Linda W and Kelley R said they were "cleasy". Marybeth likes glitter and sparkle and labeled herself "glitarkle". Trish in Wisconsin said CASLAYS - clean and simple with layers. Sarah likes modern with a dash of cute. And Michele hit home when she said "Quick always helps but who are we kidding?" Hmmm.... I am thinking that maybe I should have had "painful and time-consuming" as a category! I feel your pain - some days my waste basket is the most used tool in my stamping room!
And now, the WINNER of the blog candy pictured above is:
Donna who wrote: Beautiful work! Love your style. I would say I usually go for quick and easy, but I love to use lots of embellishments, layers and fun techniques if I have time.
Congratulations Donna! You have 48 hours to e-mail me at jcallahan1@nycap.rr.com. Make sure you send me your address. Thanks to everyone who played along!
Congrats Donna on your lucky blog candy win. Also many thanks to Linda for making this candy possible.
Congrats Donna!
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