Thursday, November 5, 2015

I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends......PPA274

OK I'll admit it......maybe I was whining just a little while I was messaging with Brian King  the other day.  He and I coordinate Pals Paper Arts together and I just happened to mention that sometimes color challenges give me fits.......and I really need a sketch to get me going!  Well he turned out to be the right guy to whine to because two minutes later this sketch appeared in my messages - complete with me and Corduroy!

I definitely used his sketch as my inspiration this week! Corduroy looks like a sweet little bear so I paired the bear from Thankful Forest Friends with a Paper Pumpkin sentiment and I was good to go!  

And that Corduroy gets bigger every day.......

I am sure the beautiful fall color challenge is enough to get you going at
Pals Paper Arts this week!  Hope you play along!


Rachel Palmieri said...

Your card is adorable, Linda, along with the sweet bear. I agree, a sketch sure does help a lot.

LeAnne said...

LOL....that Brian is something else, and a good sketchmaker at that! And I can't imagine you whining about anything! You managed to create a sweet little card with that cute bear....but Corduroy is cuter, I think!

Brian King said...

I'm so happy that I could assist the queen of clean cards. :) Your card is ADORABLE! <3

stampwithamyk said...

I thought that it was only me who did not like color challenges! :) Your card turned out great, thank goodness for stamping friends that we can whine to now and then. ;)

~amy~ said...

What a sweet card + puppy :)

Michelle Quinno said...

This is so sweet! And I love that sketch Brian created! What are Pals for?!

Dawn Tidd said...

Cute, cute, cute! Love his flag!

Mary Fish said...

Love Brian's "sketch!" Sweet card and details. Those colors blossomed with your design!

Songbird Designs by Robin said...

What a lovely picture of you and Courduroy! I love the playfulness of your card.

Maria Rodriguez. said...

Oh Linda, I hear you with this Color Challenge CHALLENGES, sheeesh!! sometimes I avoid them altogether. This time though, I'm in but only because I paired the PPA color challenge with the Freshly Made Sketches sketch challenge, like you, sketches get me moving in the right direction.
Now, about Brian King.....he is one of the sweetest people I know, unfortunately, not personally but I've been a follower of his blog every since he started and I've been at the receiving end of his kind help and suggestions.
He is the one that told me how to PROPERLY post my blogs, I was doing it all wrong, linking my posts to the entire blog not only the particular blog post I needed to link. He alerted me about this and then, gave me super clear directions on how to do it right.
He is a sweet teddy bear himself.
Your card is adorable, love that bear and his little banner. Love the awesome bling of the sequences too.
Thank you for sharing.
Maria Rodriguez.

Lynn Hoyt said...

Love this cute card, with the adorable bear standing in a Calypso coral stream!

Unknown said...

What a great card to put together using the color challenge as well as Brian's sketch. Perfectly combined!

Patti MacLeith said...

Love how you got your inspiration, Linda!

Papercraft Boutique said...

Love this adorable card! The bear is so cute, carrying the sweet message!

Karren said...

Great story, great photo and a great card!

Cindy Beach said...

OH, I love this card! And how have I missed seeing your adorable Corduroy!

Narelle Farrugia said...

Oh that's fantastic! I got a laugh out of your post Linda! Your card is just super!

Torie said...

Linda, That was a cute card, but Corduroy is adorable. What kind of dog is he and where did you get him. I want one just like him!

Linda Callahan said...

Oh that Corduroy is cute Torie! His mom was poodle/dachshund and his dad was poodle/shih tzu so he is a random mix of three breeds. Just a mutt.....but an adorable one!

QueenBCreations said...

Brian to the rescue once again!! Love that guy!! You came up with the perfect card - very sweet.

Kim S said...

This is just wonderful - even with a little help from the King!! That bear's face is just perfect for the sentiment on his banner.