I took Lesley's wonderful sketch this week and made it slightly askew. That's how my life has been lately - just a bit askew. I had a run-in with a chair leg and lost. Nice clean break but slightly askew said the physician's assistant as she checked the x-ray of that swollen pinky toe - and she referred me onward. Yep it's broken but slightly askew said the orthopedic assistant and sent me home with a roll of tape to tape my toes together and suggested a foot doctor. Oh most definitely askew said the foot doctor who fashioned a splint out of foam and wrapping stuff - and sent me home with more foam and wrapping stuff to keep it splinted for another 4 weeks. I haven't been able to wear shoes in over a month now and wearing flip flops in upstate NY during February and March is not easy! I am sure people have looked at me and thought hmmmmm........she's slightly askew........

Hope you join us at Freshly Made Sketches!