Who remembers the British invasion back in the 60's? We thought those Brits were so stylish - remember the Mods and the Rockers? And Twiggy? I spent a summer with relatives in England back then and I was definitely the plain Jane cousin from America! But I had a great time - and returned home and made my mother shorten all of my skirts! This card is off to the gal I traveled with that summer - we still keep in touch. And for whatever reason the pattern on this piece of Schoolhouse DSP reminded me of some of the designs, colors, and fabrics of that time - so of course I had to add a cup of tea!
More tea-rific news - Freshly Made Sketches is approaching its 200th sketch! I have been with the team from the beginning and can't believe we are headed for 200! We are going to celebrate for sure - stay tuned - we have wonderful sponsors and prizes lined up - and all you have to do is play along!

Jen Brum is so not a fan of circles but if you want to change her square to another shape it is OK with her! Hope you join us at Freshly Made Sketches!