Where I come from daisies grow wild alongside the roads.....at the edge of the fields.......or along a fence line. I don't know anyone who actually plants daisies....they just sort of appear on their own!
Where I come from this traffic light (about a mile north of my house) is the last light you encounter before you cross "The Blue Line".....meaning you have entered the Adirondack Mountains. A few miles later you would arrive at the Great Sacandaga Lake (where our camp is) and a few more miles puts you in Hamilton County which is larger than the state of Rhode Island. 1800 square miles - give or take - and not one traffic light in the whole county!
Where I come from driving south will take you to "civilization" but for some reason we always seem to head north.............
I used the new SU sets Daisy Delight and Beautiful Bouquet to create my card today along with that gorgeous Delightful Daisy DSP.
Karren Johnson my amazingly talented friend from the other side of the planet (wonder how many traffic lights between here and New Zealand?) designed this curvy sketch for us this week at Freshly Made Sketches! Hope you join us!

What a beautiful card! Love the curved die cut and your pretty single daisy. Just for the record...I'd head north too! ;)
Your placing the curved die on this card is perfect! Love your color choices.
I love that gorgeous dsp and your beautiful wildflower, daisy. Such a pretty card!
okay, don't tell him I said this, or you said this but my husband totally would dig them up and replant in our garden bed! Hence the little group of Black-eyed Susans there now!!!
I LOve you little daisy ... so sweet and just perfection stamped in gray! and OH MY that DSP!!!
How wonderful to live so close to places without stop lights, and gorgeous country too! Thanks for sharing that short trip through your area Lindale.
I love, love, love your card - it's perfection in every way!
Darn auto correct, I need to proof read better before I hit publish LOL! Thanks Linda! :-)
Just when I was thinking, I don't have a single idea how to make this sketch up in a way I like, I scrolled down and yours blew me away. The perfect papers and perfect daisy.
This is a beautiful card, Linda! Love the DSP behind the curved panel. That daisy is so pretty. Is that Smoky Slate? No traffic lights would be great but then I might miss the convenience of what comes with them! :)
What a beautiful card! The dsp is a lovely background for that one simple daisy.
And your countryside looks so peaceful. A far cry from the busy suburbs of Los Angeles.
Beautiful card! ... And you definitely live in the prettiest part of the USA (but I'm prejudiced, because I know the area).
Shhh... don't tell the others, but your sketch inspiration card is my favorite of the bunch. I love it! :)
Linda this is just gorgeous and fresh feeling! Loved your story of the area and it gives us all a good idea where you are located too. Sound relaxing and beautiful. PS: I didn't know there was a Blue Line..... 8-)
Go North my Friend!
This is such a beautiful card Linda! I love that daisy an that gorgeous background paper! Such a cheery, happy card!
I'm guessing there's probably at least a couple of traffic lights between your place and mine :) Maybe we should each take a road trip and count them? Your daisy card is just beautiful! I adore the fresh look of the patterned paper behind your curved panel.
What a perfectly lovely card. The daisy looks right at home there!
Love, love, love this card! My favorite DSP in the new catalog!
Can I ask what die you used for the white curved piece? I NEED IT! Lol
Beautiful, Linda! Love how the daisy stem follows the curve and then the flower pops out over it! :)
So lovely Linda! I would also lie to know what that curvy stitched die is! I want that.
The stitched edge is from a border die cut set I ordered from Simon Says Stamp.
I love daisies - your card is fresh and fun.
I'm from a rural community but there are a half dozen lights - but I visit my Mother in Law at the coast in a city and my oh MY it takes forever to walk places because of all the stop lights. Seems like when you're in a hurry every one of them is red, but when you could care less they sometimes line up nicely for an almost straight through experience.
Sounds like you live in a beautiful area.
Beautiful card!! The stitched edge, is it from the Lawn Fawn set or the Pretty Pink Posh set?
I'm loving the way the daisy follows the line of the curve! Oh so clever, Ms. Linda!
Lawn Fawn I believe....
If anyone finds the stitched die cut, could you give me the link? I don't see it on the Simon Says site.
This card is so beautiful. I adore daisies they are my favorite flower. I love this paper too. I hope you do not mind if I share it on my What Inspires Me Wednesday post on my blog, Of course I will link to your original post!
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