I had plans for a bit more color on this card but when I got this far I stopped because this card just made me smile! That doesn't always happen but when it does I know the card is finished! I paired Daffodil Delight with the new color Gray Granite - love it!
And Miss Emma made me smile last night at bedtime. Her mother was working late so I was on duty. Instead of reading a story before bed she asked to hear a bad Uncle story or a bad Baby story. It seems her mother has been telling tales about Uncle Mikey when he was young - and also about Miss Emma's antics when she was a baby. So here is the bad Uncle story I told Emma last night.......
Uncle was the catcher on his Little League Team. When he got older the Big Guy enrolled him in a one week summer baseball camp to prepare him for middle school sports. The camp was an hour away and I was the designated driver. (Hooray for nearby malls and early movie times!) So every day for two hours I listened to Uncle whine and complain how he didn't want to go and he wasn't going to do anything once he got there and he would rather be at the lake and he was going to sit on the bench and refuse to play because it was too hot and on and on and on. On the last day parents were invited to a short awards program. The final award was given to the player who had shown the most enthusiasm, energy and improvement during the week......and Uncle won! The prize? A "full scholarship" to the next year's summer camp.......still makes me laugh thinking about the look on his face when he won that prize!
And yes he went the next summer too.......
I love Jen Brum's criss cross sketch this week! Have fun with it at Freshly Made Sketches!

Stamp Sets: Kinda Eclectic, My Sunshine (SSS)
Ink: Gray Granite, Daffodil Delight
Paper: Whisper White, Gray Granite
Die Cut: Stitched Cloud Edges (MFT)