Sunday, June 4, 2017

Stamp Review Crew: Colorful Seasons

All four seasons are represented in Colorful Seasons and  I picked summer!  We are having a cool, rainy spring and I am dreaming of a camp chair, flowers and lemonade!  

We got our boat out of storage and into the lake over Memorial Day weekend - without the Big Guy!  Our launch was almost cancelled because he had to work a rescheduled ball game.  But the Big Guy said we could do it and gave each one of us specific instructions.  Mine were very simple:

"When the boat slides off the trailer and Mike yells go, drive the car and trailer up out of the water and don't stop until you get back to camp......and take the corner wide to get into the driveway.  Don't worry that you have never pulled a boat trailer before.....just keep driving and don't get into a situation where you have to back up!"

Seriously?  Did you catch the "never pulled a boat trailer" part?  (My usual job is to sit in the back of the boat as it is being launched because extra weight makes it slide off the trailer easier....sigh.....) But you know the big guy was right and I made it back to camp no problem while the rest of the sailors cruised to the dock.  

Such a proud crew!

My fellow New Yorker Heidi Baks knows all about this rainy spring we have had!  If you missed her wonderful work head back there!

Otherwise your next stop is with Twila Davis - enjoy her creations!!

I used the fun sketch at Cas(e) this Sketch for the layout of my card!

Stamp Set:  Colorful Seasons
Paper:  Whisper White, Delightful Daisy DSP
Ink:  Smoky Slate, Daffodil Delight, Calypso Coral, Tranquil Tide, Basic Gray


Dawn Tidd said...

Love this, Linda! Your card looks nice and a place I'd love to relax with a book! That little heart is so cute on the chair too. Your card made me smile!

Love that...never pulled a trailer before! You did it though! Emma is looking more and more grown up!

Karren said...

Great cards, Linda! We are heading into what looks to be a long, cold winter so this card makes me feel warm. Love the instructions from the Big Guy - especially the bit about not getting into a situation that would require backing up!

Unknown said...

The perfect place to sit and watch the world go by...looks so relaxing! Love the little heart on the chair!

Leigh Penner said...

Oh, I love this! Fabulous take on the sketch!

Jen Timko said...

I can always count on a smile when I pop in here! What a cute card!!

Kim S said...

Argh!! I just did my first order yesterday and I got the dies for that set but not the stamp set. I hadn't seen your wonderful card!! (But I had already blown through my strict budget so something had to go.)

(Personally...I would have refused to drive with the boat trailer.)

Brian King said...

Such a fun card, Linda! I love the colors you've used for this collage-y, sweet card. YOU make ME smile.

I Card Everyone said...

you GO GIRL!!! what a wonderful story - and darling little card for the CTS gallery, too! xx

Natalie Lapakko said...

So pretty! I love the clean layout and the gorgeous colors. The white twine is a nice touch!

Mickey Roberts said...

What a great story about the boat, Linda! Sounds like something my Big Guy would say IF he ever let me pull the trailer, that is... LOVE the card--it's just so happy!

Tanya Boser said...

I always love your stories Linda :) Your card is delightfully summery! It looks like that drink is just waiting for me :)

Heidi B said...

Ha, it doesn't surprise me one bit that you could pull the boat back to the driveway. I've once driven a camper to Chincoteague, parked and popped it, and got it back home again. Who knew that was possible?

I love the abstract scene you've created with the flowers and drink. Nice to see the elements don't have to be strictly grounded, and you can convey the same feel. Excellent!

LeAnne said...

As I sit here watching the rain from my craft window--AGAIN--I am taking your summery creation to heart! Somewhere, someday, we'll see the sun again! I just got this set and haven't gotten it too inky yet, but I need to remedy that! And I am glad you managed the boat/trailer/driving incident just fine!!!

Patti MacLeith said...

SO cute!!

Ann Schach said...

An absolutely adorable card, Linda! Love it!

Bronwyn Eastley said...

I was admiring you layout of the card and then realised you followed a sketch! LOVE your interpretation of the design. Such a gorgeous, summery scene.

stampwithamyk said...

Sweet card! Love the colors and your amazing design!

Congrats on your first solo boat launch! After seeing a not-so-successful launch in Florida that resulted in a shiny Cadillac Escalade up to the windows in the water (which resulted in a wee-bit of water leaking in...opened the doors with big splash once they got it off the boat ramp!!), sounds like yours went off without a hitch! I was quite glad that we were watching the poor guy and his wife clean up the mess in their car from the nice, dry restaurant where we were eating dinner!

Kelly Kent said...

Gorgeous in it's simplicity Linda! I love how you've layered the stamps to create texture in one dimension! Kelly x

Diane - said...

Linda this card is another great creation! I especially love how the sentiment looks like it is tucked under chair.... since the legs go over the sentiment... did you "plan" it that way? How cool!
Love the lawn chair in green and the touch of flowers and lemonade pulls the theme together. Love it.

PS: You are a brave sole to launch the boat! Good for you! Hugs

Yapha Mason said...

Great card, Linda!! I just want to plop myself down in that chair with a good book!

KilkennyVFX said...

So I was going through the blog hop thinking, wow, everyone is so talented and these cards are really pretty, but I'm not sure how I feel about this stamp set until.....your AmAzIng card! Oh my gosh! This is so pretty and reminds me of this Oklahoma summer. I really love the flowers placed behind the chair and the little drink next to it. So so so so cute!

Jen Mitchell said...

Ooohhh, I was afraid that story was going to have a bad ending! I knew I should have trusted the Big Guy that you could do it, becase he's never wrong, right? I'm loving the summertime feel of your card. I can totally see myself in that little chair with a cold beverage in my hand!

Cyndi said...

I love your card makes me want to grab a book and beverage and just relax.

Unknown said...

Great card!

Cheryl Hamilton said...

Just LOVE your card, Linda!!

SueB said...

we had some of those canvas chairs when I was a kid and I recently ordered this stamp set. LOVE your card; thanx for the inspiration!