So here's the story ~ it was Monday afternoon, my usual stamping time. Being on a design team means meeting deadlines and I need two cards to be finished, photographed and sent out by Tuesday morning. I completed the first just as the wind started picking up from Hurricane Sandy. A few minutes later three trees toppled on our block and the power was out. After a trip outside to make sure neighbors were all right I went back upstairs to do my PPA card in the fading afternoon light. I didn't want to be working with paper in candlelight! I grabbed a piece of Riding Hood Red and started in. I even found DSP to match and then looked for an ink pad. I don't have a Riding Hood Red inkpad so I thought I would try Cherry Cobbler ink and see how that worked. Wow I was amazed at how well it matched the paper.........duh..........
Your eyes are not playing tricks on you - that is Cherry Cobbler paper - hope you play along with us at PPA no matter what color red you pull out of your folders~!
Our power has been restored and we dodged serious damage here in upstate NY. We are so fortunate - there are no words to describe the devastation Sandy has caused. Hoping that you all stayed safe.......
Darling card Linda and I am glad you are safe. My heart bleeds for all those people. Horrible. Hugs, Bev
I'm so glad you did not get the brunt of the storm and are safe! Your card is adorable no matter the red you used!
The STAMP must go on! I love how you made the deadline! Cute card and probably just what you need after the storm--some comfort in a cup. Glad you are safe.
Linda love this card! I really like the DSP too. So funny you should say this about the Red Riding Hood and Cherry Cobbler.
I had a customer that ordered CC but it was on back order, I felt so bad. Then I remember I 'finally' bought RRH for myself and told her she could borrow mine RRH until her's came in. You really can't tell the diff! Amazing.
So glad you got through the storm and I feel so bad for those that did not. Prayers to all on the east coast.
LOL, I would have used Cherry Cobbler too....just getting ready to try this challenge and I thought it was CC also! Thanks for the reminder! Your card is crisp, clean & yummy! Love it! Glad you had no major damage, toO!
I'm so glad you are safe, Linda! This card is awesome! Cherry Cobbler is my favorite of the reds.
Love it, even with cherry cobbler! Glad you all are well.
What rustic charm with that bit of twine! And I never would have guessed that Cherry Cobbler and Riding Hood Red were so close. Good thing you were able to make the substitution!
So glad you are safe! Love everything about this card, including the CC!
You're right about no words describing the devastation caused by Sandy. It's just...beyond the beyond.
I'm glad your power has been restored and that you escaped serious damages. We are very blessed here in my little South Jersey town, 50 miles from the coast. THose beaches did not fare as well, unfortunately. :(
It was just meant to be Cherry is perfect! Love the twine with the button!! Glad you are safe and sound, Linda!
First off I am so glad to hear that you are safe:) I can not imagine how hard it must be for those that suffered seriuos damange.
Secondly this card is fantastic, love the colour combo whether it be with Cherry Cobbler or Riding Hood Red!
so crisp and clean. perfect for the holidays!
Super cute card! Glad you were safe through Sandy!
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