Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Sky's the Limit!.....FMS641


Emma's dad is a pilot so we worked on this card together for his birthday.  She still loves to stencil so she provided the lovely clouds in the background. I think she was glad to sit still a while after a very hectic weekend with a two day dance recital and two day horse show.  All I had to do was to sit back and enjoy the performances!

These airplanes worked perfectly for the two upper elements of the sketch!

Jen Timko has a great sketch for us this week at Freshly Made Sketches!  Hope you join us!

Stamp Set: Adventurous Sky

Paper: Take to the Sky DSP

Ink: Distress for cloud stenciling, Memento Black, Copics


LeAnne said...

What a lovely card for a pilot! Emma is one busy girl, but growing up into a lovely young lady!

stampwithamyk said...

Love your card! Perfect design! Glad that you enjoyed your weekend...sounds like a fun one! :)

I Card Everyone said...

What? No video today?? I'd have loved to watch Emma dance! She looks like Liz Taylor in National Velvet!

Such a wonderful card, Linda - I love every bit of your design around those fabulous planes!

Lisa Elton said...

Emma did a great job with her stenciling, terrific card! Pretty picture of her on the horse!

Cindy Brumbaugh said...

A long time coming note from one of your biggest fans...always love every darn thing you make, Linda! This airplane card is just stunning!

Amy O said...

I love the airplanes and how they work with the sketch! And the stenciling is just the right finishing touch.

Jen Brum said...

I love these airplanes! Emma's dad will too! I think Emma might need to come and teach me how to stencil!!! Sounds like a busy weekend! I'd be exhausted after all of that!!!

Cécile RIBON said...

Such an awesome masculine birthday card, Linda! These vintage planes are gorgeous!