Wednesday, August 7, 2024

I'd Pick You! FMS648


I am late with my FMS card this week - but what a week! We had another stretch of way too hot weather. When I went upstairs to my craft room Monday to start my card a soft rain had started. All of my windows were open as I was hoping for a cool down! Then without any warning the wind roared and torrential rain fell. It was pouring through my windows like someone was throwing buckets of water in.  I ran around to close all 11 of them and grabbed towels to start sopping up the water. Before I even finished the storm ended and the sun came out.

But when I looked out this is what I saw.....

And this.....

And this......there is a house behind all of that.......

It is being called a microburst and it blasted down our street for a block and a half then left as quickly as it came. Our block lost several beautiful trees but not one hit a house!  The clean up is pretty much over today but the landscape of our street is forever changed.  I'll miss all those big guys shading our sidewalks. 

Power has been restored but we do have a streetlight still lying down on the job shining its light to the sky!

The good news is that no one was injured and not one house was smashed.....and I finally got back to my craft room to finish my card!

Narelle has us thinking in threes this week!  Hope you join us at Freshly Made Sketches!

Stamp Set: Simply Zinnia (SU!), Sentiment from Photoplay

Ink: Memento Black, Granny Apple Green

Paper: Wild Wheat, Lemon Lolly, Fresh Freesia, Wildly Flowering DSP


Keep It Sweet and Simple said...

This is beautiful. I'm always in awe of people who can make gorgeous flower cards.
Wow! That was a heck of a storm burst. Glad there was no damage xxx

stampwithamyk said...

Sweet card! Love the colors and the design is perfect! Bummer on the trees...but glad that no homes were damaged!

I Card Everyone said...

Linda, I'm so sorry you had that experience! Those microburst storms are becoming more frequent, and the damage is real - it's what took out our power and demolished around 20 houses from tree damage in Whitehall, MI where my daughter lives.
I love your card - gorgeous color combo and that background WOW!

Debbie Adelt said...

Hi Linda. I love your simple but elegant card. Do you by chance live in Montana? We als had a huge microburst!

Linda Callahan said...

Hi Debbie….I live in upstate NY but I understand these microbursts are becoming more common all over the country.

Brian King said...

I'd pick you, too, Linda. Every time. Cute card and crazy photos. Not a fan of bursts of rain - so crazy. Always love to hear what you are up to.

Greta said...

That must have been scary! So glad people and houses were OK. Wonderful sketch and I love the flowers you used!

Kim S said...

That storm would definitely sidetrack any of us from our cardmaking - but I'm glad you could get back to it, relax and create this sweet card!